Prof. Dr. Aulanni’am, drh., DES (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Brawijaya University) Tentative Title: The role of biomolecular approach in supporting in the future technology to solve global health challenges Prof. Stuart J Marsden(Professor of Conservation Ecology Dept. Natural Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University)Tentative Title: The threats on bird conservation in South East Asia and its correlation to environmental changes and risk from human intervention. MVDr. David Nejedlo (Director of Liberec Zoo) Tentative Title: The role of Animal Conservation for Future Education and Research as well as Environmental Protection Dr Léa Indjein PhD BAppSc (Hons I) BSc(Lecturer Veterinary ParasitologyChair of the International Affairs Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Prince of Songkla University)Tentative Title: risk of parasitic zoonoses in South East Asia